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 i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)

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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Oct - 17:58

oui, tu l'as. mais j'irais même te chercher la lune mon amour de petite crevette. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 166564858 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Oct - 23:42

Welcome What a Face
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Oct - 0:23

bienvenue parmi nouuuus i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3846838978
have fuuun ici i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3846838978
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Tay Januário
Tay Januário
✧ ÂGE : vingt-six.
✧ JOB : animateur tv.
✧ MESSAGES : 6930
✧ HERE SINCE : 17/05/2011

i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Oct - 19:40

hola. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2684926262 bienvenue à la maison. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3229147817
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyJeu 31 Oct - 20:32

merciiiii à vous.
excusez-moi d'avance pour le manque de smileys et les éventuelles fautes, je suis sur mon p'tit mobile et dans le car (foutue sncf j'vous jure), mais serait-ce possible de demander un délai supplémentaire d'une semaine ?
merci d'avaaaance.
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyJeu 31 Oct - 23:37

bienvenue sur ollp i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3681609067 bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3846838978
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Rosanne Perlin
Rosanne Perlin
✧ ÂGE : eighteen.
✧ JOB : serveuse le we.
✧ COEUR : déjà passée par là.
✧ MESSAGES : 1092
✧ HERE SINCE : 11/06/2013

i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyDim 3 Nov - 12:50

un délai jusqu'a jeudi 7 ça te va ? i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3846838978
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyDim 3 Nov - 16:02

merci beaucoup. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 713858961 
oui, jusqu'à jeudi ça serait parfait. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 1564138967 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyDim 3 Nov - 19:39

ça marche alors ! i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2684926262
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyLun 4 Nov - 22:27

t'es seks avec ta nouvelle tête bro' i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3997999705
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyLun 4 Nov - 22:31

pas autant que toi crevette. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 166564858 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyMar 5 Nov - 23:04

t'es cro gentil i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3997798681 bref, ta fiche j'l'aime.
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyMar 5 Nov - 23:07

contente que tu l'aimes. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2628946855 
me manque plus que la validation. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3229147817 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 11:00

Béatrice Moret a écrit:
t'es seks avec ta nouvelle tête bro' i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3997999705
TELLEMENT i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2763270137 i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2763270137 i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2763270137 i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2763270137 
je vais lire tout ça et je m'occupe de ta validation i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 166564858 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 11:02

bienvenue sur ollp !

t'es beau, tu me fais tourner la tête. voilà, c'est dit. sur ce, je valide. et va donc préparer notre sujet (a).

T'es canon, t'as fini ta fiche et on peut officiellement tebouffer, te considérer comme un sexy ollpiens. Évidemment, on va pas t'laisser comme une âme en peine va. Pour bien démarrer ton aventure, on t'a préparé une liste de liens à consulter, pour pas que tu te sentes perdu sur OLLP. Pour que tu saches où les sujets les plus importants se trouvent.

bottin ► vérifie si il n'y a pas d'erreur.
liens ► si t'as pas d'amis, prends un curly.
flood ► fait parti de la famille !
chatbox ► fait parti de la famille²

ohlalagram ► ta vie en photos.
oohlala ask ► on veut tout savoir.

Pour finir, n'hésites pas à participer à l'intrigue du moment pour être directement dans le bain. Les intrigues commune se trouvent toujours en annonce globale, donc tu peux la trouver n'importe où.

Pas besoin de te préciser que la chatbox, le flood et notre boite mp sont grand ouverts, surtout n'hésites pas, le plus important, c'est vraiment que tu sois bien et heureux parmi-nous.

Sur ce, on te souhaite une nouvelle fois la bienvenue parmi nous. On est ravis de t'avoir, maintenant on te lâchera plus, c'est fini pour toi.

Ella, Tay, Théo, Marty, Théa, Nemo, Solal et Isadora i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 3681609067
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:06

merci, théamoi. i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 2684926262 
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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)   i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur) - Page 2 Empty

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i'm your bro, and it's my job to take care of you. (arthur)

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