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 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.

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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 18:41

elizabeth "lizzy" strauss

nom complet ▲ Elizabeth en ce qui concerne son prénom, mais elle est plus souvent appelé Lizzy notamment pour son nom de scène. Son nom de famille est Strauss, venant de son père. lieu de naissance ▲  Elle est née à Paris et y a toujours vécu. âge ▲  Tout juste âgée de 24 ans, elle est née le 20 septembre 1989. nationalité ▲  Française, avec quelques origines anglaises venant de son grand-père. diplômes, études ▲  Lizzy a obtenu son bac littéraire avant d'entrer à l'école du Ballet de Paris. métier ▲  Elle est danseuse étoile à l'opéra de Paris depuis un an maintenant. statut matrimonial ▲  Célibataire, certainement bien comme ça. Elizabeth est bien trop instable dans une relation pour pouvoir se poser sérieusement. orientation sexuelle ▲  hétérosexuelle. situation financière ▲  Aisée, heureusement pour elle, elle n'aurait jamais pu payer ses études. idole(s) de vie ▲  Natalie Portman, bien qu'elle ne soit pas une danseuse étoile, elle a adoré son rôle dans le film "Black Swan". nombre d'amis facebook ▲  Elle en a beaucoup, puisqu'elle connaît beaucoup de monde grâce à son métier. moyen de déplacement ▲  Elle a son permis et une voiture, mais elle se déplace le plus souvent à pied, c'est bon pour la santé. groupe ▲  écrire ici. avatar ▲  écrire ici. crédits ▲  écrire ici.
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Dernière édition par Elizabeth "Lizzy" Strauss le Sam 26 Oct - 22:21, édité 1 fois
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 18:42

and she will be loved...

Paris, France, le 25 décembre 2012.
"lettre d'Elizabeth à sa mère décédée."

Tout ce bouscule ces derniers temps dans ma tête. Ils m'ont promu au rang de danseuse étoile. Après tant d'acharnement, après tant de sacrifice, j'y ai réussit. Tu serais fière de moi, c'est ce que papa me dit tout le temps, Tu sais ma petite, ta mère serais tellement fière de toi... Il dit ça avec sa voix mélancolique, celle rempli de larmes. Je crois que tu lui manques. Je l'entends pleurer le soir, il prétend le contraire, mais je ne suis pas conne. Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'il pleurerait autant. Plus que moi.. ça me rend inhumaine, de me voire aussi heureuse face à son chagrin. Je sais que ça passera, qu'un jour il t'oubliera maman, enfin, qu'il refera ça vie. Mais maman.. T'es partout, dans les draps, sur les murs. On sent encore ton odeur par moment.. Aujourd'hui c'est noël, le premier depuis que tu es.. parti. Je me demande toujours pourquoi je continue d'agir comme si tu rentreras. Je n'ai plus dix ans, je sais ce que c'est que la mort. Je sais que tu ne reviendra plus mais je n'arrive pas à m'y faire. Tu me manques tellement à moi aussi. Ce que je suis aujourd'hui, c'est uniquement pour et grâce à toi.

Dernière édition par Elizabeth "Lizzy" Strauss le Mer 30 Oct - 1:27, édité 3 fois
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 18:44

Bienvenue ici a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3458505197 
Que l'inspiration soit avec toi Geek 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 18:52

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche ! :)
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 19:28

Trop belle !!!! Bienvenue parmi nous ma jolie a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2176505670 bon courage pour ta fiche !
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 20:46

    Bienvenue bave 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 21:09

bienvenuuue a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 713858961
ton avatar est sacrément jolie, hâte de voir ce que tu vas en faire a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978
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Ella Maresquo
Ella Maresquo
✧ ÂGE : vingt et quatre.
✧ JOB : assistante sociale dans une association
✧ COEUR : célibataire.
✧ MESSAGES : 11185
✧ HERE SINCE : 07/05/2011

a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 22:05

bienvenue parmi nous a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2684926262
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 22:13

bienv'nue à paname a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2684926262
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 23:20

merci à vous. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2628946855 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptySam 26 Oct - 23:50

Welcome What a Face
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 27 Oct - 0:18

bienvenue parmi nouuuus a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 have fuuun ici a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978
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Rosanne Perlin
Rosanne Perlin
✧ ÂGE : eighteen.
✧ JOB : serveuse le we.
✧ COEUR : déjà passée par là.
✧ MESSAGES : 1092
✧ HERE SINCE : 11/06/2013

a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 27 Oct - 12:02

bienvenue parmi nous, si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hésite pas a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 27 Oct - 19:21

merciiii. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 65185977 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 
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Tay Januário
Tay Januário
✧ ÂGE : vingt-six.
✧ JOB : animateur tv.
✧ MESSAGES : 6930
✧ HERE SINCE : 17/05/2011

a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 27 Oct - 19:45

magnifique. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 bienvenue chez toi. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2176505670
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 27 Oct - 23:55

bienvenuuueee. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyLun 28 Oct - 17:02

Une danseuse étoile !!!! a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2628946855 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 1564138967 Quel beau métier !!! Morana aussi aurait du être une petite danseuse !

Bienvenue a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 713858961
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyMar 29 Oct - 18:03

bienvenue la belle, et bonne chance pour ta fiche a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3681609067 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyMer 30 Oct - 1:13

merci. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyMer 30 Oct - 13:26

Salut toi. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 583886846 
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyMer 30 Oct - 13:39

viens copuler avec moi ->
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyJeu 31 Oct - 1:41

J'arrive bébé.
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyJeu 31 Oct - 23:27

bienvenue sur ollp a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3681609067 j'connaissais pas ta brune, mais dieu qu'elle est jolie moh bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 3846838978
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyVen 1 Nov - 23:16

Bienvenue jolie lizzy a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 1564138967 
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Rosanne Perlin
Rosanne Perlin
✧ ÂGE : eighteen.
✧ JOB : serveuse le we.
✧ COEUR : déjà passée par là.
✧ MESSAGES : 1092
✧ HERE SINCE : 11/06/2013

a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. EmptyDim 3 Nov - 12:51

ben alors, qu'est-ce qu'il t'arrive ?

Et alors, qu'est-ce qui t’arrive ? C'est l'inspiration qui n'est plus au rendez-vous ? C'est mal, vraiment, c'est mal, ça mérite limite une punition a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2684926262 N'empêche on est cool, regarde, on vient même te prévenir à l'avance. il te reste donc plus qu'un jour pour finir ta fiche. Si c'est une question de temps, n'hésite surtout pas à nous demander un délai supplémentaire, on t'en accordera un avec plaisir. Si jamais au bout de deux jours nous n'avons pas de réponse, nous serons dans l'obligation d'archiver ta fiche et de supprimer ton compte. C'est triste non ? a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 905474163 Alors manifestes toi. a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. 2684926262 Allez courage, on sait que tu peux le faire. N'hésite pas à contacter le staff si tu as d'autres questions.
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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.   a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died. Empty

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a woman who read is a woman who lives a thousand lives before she died.

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