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ooh la la paris, réouverture. 02/11/14.
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 I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).

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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:09

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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:10

les liens

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.
pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:12

les liens

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.
pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.

pseudo complet feat. célébrité

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:13

A vouuuuus !
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:46

Juste pour embêter Ina, j'vois bien un lien x)
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 16:48

au risque de me faire agresser par Ina : je veux. I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 2684926262
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:02

Avec plaisiiiiiiiiiir !
Des idées, besoins, envies ? I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 2684926262
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:04

Ina est quoi pour Cilian ?
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:07

La meuf qu'il veut se faire. Elle lui résiste et il n'aime pas ça, trop habitué à avoir tout ce qu'il veut. Elle l'impressionne aussi. Elle l'énerve autant qu'elle l'attire. Et elle se la jour indifférente et froide. C'est à peu près ça. Donc il l'agace un peu je crois à force de l'asticoter ainsi. Et il la destabilise aussi.
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:10

Ina et Nausicaa sont des ennemies sans réellement savoir pourquoi, Nausicaa a jeté la première pierre mow de wiwe C'est un saloperie. J'verrais quelque chose de purement physique mais j'ai déjà ça avec Sid Arrow Je réfléchis.
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:15

Aaaaah d'accord. Tu pourras m'en dire un peu plus sur elle ?comme ça j'aurais toutes les cartes en main pour trouver une idée de lien. :3
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:20

bon, me demande pas pourquoi j'ai eu cette idée débile parce que moi-même j'en sais rien mais Arrow
j'ai lu que Cilian tient vraiment à se voiture. Il vit pas loin de chez Ina et Slim pas mal de temps à squatter son canapé. Il est tout le temps défoncé et roule en trottinette. bref, en sortant de chez Ina, pour retourner chez lui ou je ne sais où il aurait pu être pris d'une envie urgente de pisser et se soulager contre la voiture de Cilian.
bien sûr, Cilian le voit et bon j'pense que ça va faire des chocapics, non ? Arrow

après, c'est con et j'peux trouver une autre base hein. mow de wiwe
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:22

Bon Cilian va lui défoncer la gueule, sans déconner. On touche pas à sa femme ! On pourrait partir sur un rp là-dessus !
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyLun 22 Juil - 17:26

Nausicaa c'est que de l'apparence et pour les points importants: elle a 25 ans, elle est infographiste chez elle et elle a une harley qu'elle vénère. Elle l'aime comme sa vie, c'est son bijou. Elle a deux chiens: un golden retriever qui s'appelle Bob et un husky qui s'appelle Marley. Ils ont un bandana autour du cou et l'écoutent à la lettre près. Ils l'aiment, la vénère et la protègent quoi qu'il en coute. Elle les promène sans laisse. Sinon le caractère, oh que c'est délicat: elle s'en fout de tout, c'est une saloperie, elle s'en fout complètement de prendre soin d'elle ou des autres. Elle est un déchet vivant et elle adore se battre, elle se sent vivante grâce à ça. Elle est généralement couverte d'hématomes continuellement. Ca peut être sexy pour certains mow de wiwe Elle a généralement peur de rien ce qui fait qu'elle fait pas mal de choses sans réfléchir et attire les problèmes rapidement. Elle est malpolie et sans aucune manière. Elle jure continuellement, "putain" servant presque de mot de liaison pour elle. Elle crache dans la rue, vomi dans les coins des bars et quand elle a trop chaud, elle enlève son t-shirt et casse la gueule au videur. Elle s'en fout complètement des conséquences de ses actes. D'où le gros bordel. Elle a un tatouage sur les côtes depuis qu'elle se les ai cassés lors d'une bagarre. Elle avait une cicatrice, elle l'a caché comme ça. C'est une solitaire, elle renvoie souvent les gens d'où ils viennent si ils l'intriguent pas ou les intéresse pas. A savoir qu'elle peut être adorable avec les gens qu'elle connait réellement et elle peut même avoir pas mal d'humour; En fait, c'est un personnage qu'elle s'est construit depuis le départ de son père à ses 16 ans.
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyMar 23 Juil - 11:02

Moi aussi, je veux ! Razz
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyMer 24 Juil - 21:42

OH PUTAIN. Je kiffe ton perso, mais genre vraiment Nausicaa donc j'exige qu'on se trouve un lien qui déchire son panda asexué ! Elle vénère sa bécane, Cilian c'est sa bagnole. C'est sa reine, la personne qui la touche, il la dégomme. Je voyais bien quelque chose qui aurait commencer négativement et serait devenu par la suite positif ! Après ça dépend, tu veux positif, négatif, avec sexe ou sans ?

Avec plaisir Hermès. On se fait une partie sous les draps ?
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyMer 24 Juil - 21:58

Oh bah merci pour les compliments What a Face je l'ai imaginée comme ça la Nausicaa xDD Sooo, moi je m'en fous qu'il y ai du sexe ou pas Evanoui Mais on dirait que t'as quelque chose en tête, alors vas-y I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 239769179 
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 16:15

Cilian Kane a écrit:
Avec plaisir Hermès. On se fait une partie sous les draps ?
Avec grand plaisir ! Vu que tu dégaines quand t'en as envie mow de wiwe
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 16:41

Nausicaa m. Laurent a écrit:
Oh bah merci pour les compliments What a Face je l'ai imaginée comme ça la Nausicaa xDD Sooo, moi je m'en fous qu'il y ai du sexe ou pas Evanoui Mais on dirait que t'as quelque chose en tête, alors vas-y I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 239769179 

Pas de sexe Arrow
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 17:45

T'énerves pas hein on fait que parler Arrow 
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 17:48

Je faisais que parler aussi I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 2892185779
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 18:53

Cilian Kane a écrit:
Bon Cilian va lui défoncer la gueule, sans déconner. On touche pas à sa femme ! On pourrait partir sur un rp là-dessus !

DONC. quand t'es dispo, on se fait un rp I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 2684926262
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). EmptyJeu 25 Juil - 20:05

j'dis pas non à un truc, mais j'viens en mode touriste, sorry Arrow
si tu pouvais me résumer un peu le caractère de cilian, j'pourrais peut-être dégoter une base I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). 2684926262
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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).   I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN). Empty

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I was born as a dick head and i'll die the way I lived; as a motherfucker son of bitch (CILIAN).

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