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 ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.

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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 13:00


Dernière édition par Rio Whitaker le Jeu 31 Mai - 16:50, édité 28 fois
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 13:01


Dernière édition par Rio Whitaker le Ven 25 Mai - 14:19, édité 14 fois
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Ella Maresquo
Ella Maresquo
✧ ÂGE : vingt et quatre.
✧ JOB : assistante sociale dans une association
✧ COEUR : célibataire.
✧ MESSAGES : 11185
✧ HERE SINCE : 07/05/2011

✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 13:54

bienvenue :heartt:
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 14:42

    merci. <3
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 15:20

Bienvenue à Paris Razz
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 15:52

J'ADORE CETTE CHANSON !!! ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 3458505197
Et sinon, bienvenue ! ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 3846838978 (Ou ReBienvenue ? Puisque je vois qu'OLLP et toi c'est une longue histoire ? Razz)

Bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fichounette. (:
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 16:49

    merci vous deux. <3

    j'adore cette chanson aussi ! duran duran c'le bien. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 3458505197
    et donc oui rebienvenue x) j'étais calie. x)
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 16:59

Oui, j'ai vu ton message dans la partie invités juste après. (:
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 19:03

Bienvenue moh
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 19:15

Rebienvenue ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 713858961
Même si j'avoue ne pas me souvenir de toi //SBAFF//
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 20:32

Rebienvenue. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2732560352
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyLun 21 Mai - 23:17

(re) Bienvenue parmi nous ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 65185977 ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 3681609067
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 6:54

re-bienvenue avec ce nouveau personnage et bonne chance pour ta fiche demoiselle. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 3681609067
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 7:20

Bienvenue. moh
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 13:28

Oh, l'ancienne sexy calie encore plus sexy. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262

Re-bienvenue parmi nous, revenante à répétitions, ahah. moh
Et bon courage pour ta fiche. ♥️
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 14:49

merci de ne pas oublier l'avatar dans description :')

HAHAHAHAHA, même pas dur de te reconnaître :')
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 19:28

    merci tout le monde. moh :heartt:

    sylvain, aha, c'pas un soucis !
    grayson, les blondes sexy c'la vie. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262
    jayden, j'crois que j'ai pas compris où tu voulais en venir. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 277638789
    mais ouais, non, c'pas dur de me reconnaître. Arrow
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 19:36

Je veux te faire l'amour ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 583886846

Rebienvenue choupette et tu sais que j'suis toujours en haine contre ton BB Arrow
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 20:32

    J'aime quand t'es directe comme ça. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262
    Merci et moi aussi, si tu savais. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 905474163
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 21:17

Tu fais 'éditer' pour ton premier poste de ta fiche de présentation. Et en-dessous de 'titre du sujet', tu as 'description'. C'est ici que tu dois mettre le nom de ton avatar. En espérant que tu auras compris, héhé. moh

Au cas où tu as pas pigé le truc de description. What a Face

Et tu as raison pour les sexys blondes. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 21:56

    Ah ouais, ok, merci. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 277638789
    Rajouté alors. x)

    Héhé. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMar 22 Mai - 23:02

Faudra qu'on se trouve quelque chose pour que je puisse te faire l'amour ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2732560352
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyMer 23 Mai - 0:38

    Owi. ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. 2684926262
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Tay Januário
Tay Januário
✧ ÂGE : vingt-six.
✧ JOB : animateur tv.
✧ MESSAGES : 6930
✧ HERE SINCE : 17/05/2011

✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyVen 25 Mai - 6:33

frida te va biennnn . moh
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. EmptyVen 25 Mai - 13:09

    owh, merci. moh
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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.   ✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand. Empty

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✗ her name is rio and she dances on the sand.

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